• Health research and innovation
• Capacity building and mentorship
• Partnerships for sustainable and quality health interventions
• Sustainable financing and resource utilization
• Quality health service delivery
• Advocacy for health
• Quality data for decision making
Local & Regional Collaborators The major local collaborators include KEMRI, MoH, ICAP, EGPAF, CARE, CRS etc, and Kenyan Universities like University of Nairobi, JKUAT, Maseno University, Moi University, GLUK, the county of Kisumu Government, IRDO, Liverpool Health, NACC, NRHS, VCT centers,CIHEB-ENTRENCH Kenya, KCCB-ACTs, religious organizations and FBOs. International Collaborators (Previous and current) The international collaborators include donors such as PEPFAR through CDC and USAID, WHO, UNICEF, NIH, BMGF, CLINTON FOUNDATION, DFID and the foreign based universities including UCSF, UCLA, UOM, UW, United Nations Foundation, American Society of Hematology.
The Organization has recently been sub granted by Moi University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS) to undertake an OVC project in Kisumu County at the subcounties of Nyakach, Nyando and Muhoroni with an ultimate goal of increased access to quality health and social services for OVC and their families.